Welfare group have no faith in Key’s replacement

John Key’s three terms in power have come to an end following his resignation today.  His time in power is characterised by the economic assault on the poor, but also an increase in resistance and organising.

“AAAP do not see John Key’s resignation as a time for celebration, but instead a time for our group and many others to push for a total reversal of National’s war on the poor,” AAAP spokesperson Vanessa Cole says.

“This is not a time to stop resisting, but to continue organising against the neoliberal assault on unemployed and low-waged workers.

“John Key has left behind a legacy of increased inequality, increased incarceration, and a housing crisis rendering whole families homeless.

“Bill English, who is first in line to replace Key, was one of the most unpopular candidates when he was the National Party leader.

“English’s claim that the New Zealand economy is strong, is weakened by the impact his economic policies have has on increased precarious work, unemployment and a looming financial crisis.

“English has been an irresponsible financial minister - pushing through privatisation policies, selling state houses and implementing austerity measures which have impacted on low-income whānau.

“John Key is an individual. No matter who is chosen to replace him, the National party and their neoliberal policies will continue to support the wealthy and punish the poor.

“AAAP see the real life consequences of the policies that the National government, and Labour government’s before them have had on the poor.

“AAAP has no faith that Key’s replacement will even begin to reverse the entrenched poverty that these policies have created.

“Our key to a brighter future is a transformation of policy to an approach which will treat people with respect, and provide families with an adequate safety net.

“We need to bring an end to policies which blame and punish beneficiaries for the unemployment our economic system creates and profits from.”