Learn how you can advocate for yourself and your community at Work and Income! We'll be having a workshop on how to access hardship grants for food at WINZ.
Join Auckland Action Against Poverty and the community as we rally for welfare reform!
On 30 May, 2019 the Government announces their Budget and decides where the money goes. Unfortunately during the budget there were no increases to core benefit levels, or wide ranging welfare reforms we need to alleviate poverty in our communities. On 23rd of November, 2019 we want you to come together in a movement to end poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand. Learn how you can be part of our advocates team, how to help your community with Work and Income issues and be an active participant in our work in Manurewa.
The Government falsely claims that there's Not Enough Left in their budget to end poverty. They can afford to end poverty, they just aren't willing to make the changes that the country needs. This leaves Not Enough Left in our budgets after we pay rent to live in dignity. It's time for that to change.
We want a welfare system that allows everyone to live with dignity. The Government has no intention of making the changes necessary for this, and have already announced that they will not increase benefit levels in this year's budget.
We recently saw the success of our campaign to end the Sanction on Sole Mothers, which punished mothers for not naming the father of their children. But the Government has refused to give these sanctioned mothers back pay. One victory won't reform our welfare system, we need to keep demanding change.
Join us to call for these changes, and learn how you can become involved in your community to help your friends and your whānau.
Come on Saturday, November 23rd at 1pm to the Manurewa Library at 7 Hill Road in South Auckland.
All are welcome, and a kid's zone will be available
1pm - Welcome and kai (provided)
1:45pm - Workshop 1: How to access a hardship at Work and Income
2:45pm - Break
3:00pm - Workshop 2: How to access other types of advances and grants (eg. clothes)
4:00pm - Finish.